About Us
Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine on Kauai, Hawaii.
We delight in helping you feel better. In most cases, after doing a full medical history and current symptom intake, and taking your pulse and tongue diagnosis, it is clear the next steps to take. We will give you an estimate of how many acupuncture treatments are necessary and explain both the diagnosis, the herbal medicine prescription as well as dietary and lifestyle advice prescribed. Text (808) 212-4437 today to make an appointment.
Trenton Rembert LAc
Herbalist, licensed acupuncturist and founder of Thirteen Moons Apothecary, Trenton has devoted himself to herbal medicine since beginning his formal training in 2010. Before finishing his masters in Chinese medicine he founded Thirteen Moons Apothecary hand making homegrown and ethically harvested herbal medicines. Upon graduation from the Oregon College of Oriental Medicine with a masters in Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine, Trenton completed the Diploma Course in Chinese Medicine Dermatology and has been certified in Chinese Medicine Dermatology by the International Traditional Chinese Medicine Dermatology Association (ITCMDA).
In 2008 Trenton earned a double major in Art and Linguistics from UC Santa Cruz. He completed a three year Western Herbal medicine certificate in 2013 and founded Thirteen Moons Apothecary in 2012. Trenton excels at treating dermatological, allergic and autoimmune disease using a combination of herbal medicine and acupuncture.
Dr. Carrie ‘Karu’ Hodder DAcOm
After graduating with her masters in 2008 from the Seattle Institute of Oriental Medicine, she studied from 2014-present with Dr, Mazin Al Khafaji a world renown Chinese medicine herbalist and founder of the International Traditional Chinese Medicine Dermatology Association (ITCMDA). Karu completed the Diploma Course in Chinese Medicine Dermatology three times and is board certified in Chinese Medicine Dermatology by the International Traditional Chinese Medicine Dermatology Association (ITCMDA). In 2019, Karu completed her doctorate in Chinese medicine from the Pacific College of Oriental Medicine.
In 2008 she applied for a chinese medicine position at Dr. Dubey's Natural Health Clinic in Lihue, Kauai. This was the beginning of a career that she had studied eight years for, earning her bachelors in herbal medicine from Bastyr University in 2005 and her masters in acupuncture and Chinese medicine in 2008. Karu practiced out of Dr. Dubey's clinic from 2009 thru 2011. In 2011 she joined the Integrative Health Clinic - Makai Ola in north Kapa'a until it closed in 2019. In 2019, Karu started Feel Better Kauai a Chinese medicine and acupuncture clinic in Kapaa.
While at the Seattle Institute of Oriental medicine, Karu had the honor and great privilege of interning with Dr. Kerong Xie. Dr. Xie is a prominent Chinese medicine doctor specializing in Women's health, especially fertility and chronic illness. Her grace, deep reverence and obsessive study of Chinese herbal formulas made her an extraordinary physician who Karu strives to resemble. Karu made all of her herbal formulas and completed all of her secretarial work for two years.
Furthermore, many master Chinese medicine doctors molded Karu over the three years it took to earn her degree. To name the most influential, Dr. Su, a Chinese medicine dermatology wizard, Dr. Daniel Alschuler, a master acupuncturist and great teacher of compassion, Dr. Miao, another herbal medicine genius, Dr. Paul Karston, president of SIOM and Taoist acupuncture master with a heart of gold and finally, Dr. Steven Brown, a phenomenal Japanese Acupuncturist who taught gentleness.